The 2018 Field Crew was led by Hailey Blacquiere as Supervisor. Taylor Gallant returned as Field Crew Technician, and Madison Vincent led the Riparian Health assessments. The Field Crew had a great season and accomplished a lot of work this summer, improving habitat and water quality all around the Wheatley River.
- 620 trees were planted on 9 separate parcels of land in the watershed; 146 trees were given away at Canada Day and CORE events.
- 3 km of stream were cleared on the South branch of the Wheatley River (1.45 km), Ross Creek (0.9 km), and Chapel Creek (0.65 km).
- 2 brush mats were built on the South branch of the Wheatley River near the end of the section cleared.
- 7 riparian health assessments were conducted along the South branch of the Wheatley River.
- 25 crossing assessments were conducted throughout the watershed.
- Water quality monitoring was conducted at 22 sites throughout the watershed on a weekly basis. Staff recorded temperature, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance, conductivity, total dissolved solids, salinity, pH, and nitrates at each site.
- Anoxia surveys were conducted at 8 sites between the Wheatley River Bridge and Oyster Bed Bridge on a monthly basis (3 events). Staff recorded temperature, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance, conductivity, total dissolved solids, salinity, pH, and signs of anoxia (i.e., water clarity & colour, sea lettuce coverage & condition, and H2S odour).
- 8 new tree swallow boxes were built by WRIG staff: 2 were installed at Rackham’s pond, 5 were installed on suitable areas on private properties in the watershed by landowner request.
- A depth survey was conducted at Rackham’s Pond.