Interested in environmental restoration work in the Wheatley River Watershed this coming summer? The Wheatley River Improvement Group hires high school and university students each year to continue stream and buffer zone enhancement projects in our watersheds. Field technician positions are available each field season; this year we have an internship available through the Clean Foundation.
The Wheatley River Improvement Group provides training in first aid and in environmental restoration techniques to the successful applicants. To lean more about these positions and gain a good understanding of previous seasons field crews accomplishments and experiences, check out the annual field work summary. Current available positions are posted below: UPDATE -these positions have all been filled!
If you would like to apply for summer 2024 position(s), please send your cover letter and resume to the following email address:
Watershed Manager: Maggie McConnell
Mail: The Wheatley River Improvement Group, 2184 Church Road, Rustico, PE C0A 1N0
Office Location: 2184 Church Road, Rustico, PE (please call ahead)
Phone: 902-963-3198 (Office)