The 13th annual Environmental Fun Day, organized by the Wheatley River Improvement Group and the Hunter-Clyde Watershed Group, took place at Rackham’s Pond in Wheatley River on Friday June 9th, 2023. Over 100 grade 5/6 students from Central Queens Elementary, Gulf Shore Consolidated and École Saint-Augustin joined us for a fun day of environmental education. The students rotated through six different educational stations and filled out their ‘Fun Day Passports’ after each environmental presentation. Rebecca Ramos from the Watershed Alliance came to talk about bats, scat and tracks; WRIG presented on pollinators and bug hotels; Nicole Murtagh and Rosie MacFarlane gave an electrofishing lesson; Hailey Blacquiere came out from the provincial tree nursery to talk about tree ID and planting; Peter McMurchy with Island Falconry Services spoke about falconry and birds of prey; and, Sara & Leah from Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association (BBEMA) had a station focused on PEI frogs and toads. It was an excellent day, and we are grateful for our wonderful presenters, all the great volunteers that came out to help, and the fantastic students and teachers that joined us!