Do you have a section of stream on your property that needs improvement or restoration? Planting native trees and shrubs, improving fish passage, and restoring stream banks comes at no cost to you! Each field season, WRIG assists local landowners in making environmental improvements to their properties. Our management experience and professional network helps us connect landowners to a variety of resources, personnel, and environmental programs. For more details, please see our Stewardship in our Watershed booklet, found here.
Contact WRIG if you are interested in having any of the following activities implemented on your property:
- increasing vegetative biodiversity and benefits to wildlife
- improving buffer zone and/or hedgerow function
- removing garbage and obstructions from a section of stream
- reducing agricultural soil erosion
- protecting the shoreline
- building/improving a stream crossing
- installing bird nesting boxes
- removing invasive species
- adapting to the effects of climate change
Follow the links below to learn more about environmental programs available to local landowners!
- PEI Forest Enhancement Program
- Greening Spaces Program
- Hedgerow and Buffer Zone Planting Program
- Carbon Capture Tree Planting Program
- Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) Program
- AgriWatershed Partnership
- Perennial Crop Development Program
- Beneficial Management Practices Program
- Canada-PEI Agricultural Services Program
- Enhanced Environmental Farm Plan
- PEI Agricultural Stewardship Program
- Buffer Zone Acquisition Program