About Us
Our Vision
Our vision is for a watershed in which the soil, forests, and water are healthy and supportive of a rich diversity of aquatic and terrestrial species, where farmers and fishers are able to make a living for generations to come, and where all residents have access to clean, healthy water.
Our Mission
With protection of the environment always at the core of its mandate, the Wheatley River Improvement Group will take actions that focus on creating a healthy and sustainable environment by improving the quality of both ground and surface waters for all residents.
For more detail on what guide’s WRIG’s work, please see the:
2007 Wheatley River Watershed Stewardship Plan
Our History
The Wheatley River Improvement Group (WRIG) was established in the late 1990’s by residents of the Wheatley River area who were concerned about the health of their watershed. The group became incorporated as a non-profit agency in 2004. The primary purpose of the group is to restore and protect the environmental quality of the Wheatley River and its tributaries. Its vision is one of a healthy watershed with a rich diversity of aquatic and terrestrial plant and animal life.
For more information, please see Harpers 1877 – SGW Benjamin and Meacham’s Atlas – 1880
A Song for the River:
A Story of Hope For Our Watershed
This 20 minute video, created in 2008, is a brief history of the Wheatley River and its sub watersheds. Original music composed and preformed by Malcolm Stanley.