Raising good stewards of the environment who have a strong understanding of their connection to and dependency upon nature and who understand issues like resource depletion, pollution, land degradation, and accelerating species extinctions, is essential to the outcome of conservation efforts.
Environmental Fun Day is an educational event hosted by the Wheatley River Improvement Group and the Hunter-Clyde Watershed Group for our local schools. Grades five and six students from Central Queens Elementary, Gulf Shore Consolidated, École Saint-Augustin, and our local homeschool group join us to rotate through 6 different stations that focus on various elements of the environment. The site of the event alternates between Rackham’s Pond in the Wheatley River watershed and either the Gardens of Hope or Campbell’s Pond in the Hunter River watershed. It is wonderful to see the students’ enthusiasm for the outdoors; hopefully this day will help to foster a long-term interest in environmental health!
Since 2009, approximately 75 students have visited Rackham’s Pond and the Wheatley River Watershed each year for environmental education events.
Find more information regarding past events: