On Friday, June 8th, we had over 65 grade 5/6 students from Gulf Shore Consolidated, and Central Queens Elementary join us at Rackham’s Community Pond for the 9th annual Environmental Fun Day. This educational day is planned by WRIG in partnership with the HunterClyde Watershed Group and includes 6 stations focused on different aspects of the environment for the students to rotate through. This year, Jana Cheverie joined us to talk about invasive species on PEI; David Gladstone and Karalee McAskill taught the students about water chemistry; they learned about electrofishing fishing with Rosie MacFarlane and Alan McLennan from Fish and Wildlife; Stephen DeWolfe and Tony Keoughan came out from the Private Forest Division to talk about forest health; Jamie Stride with Island Falconry Services spoke about falconry and birds of prey; and, staff from Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association (BBEMA) had a station focused on songbirds and amphibians. We are incredibly grateful to the teachers, volunteers, and presenters for helping to make this day possible! Environmental education of our youth is of utmost importance and is one of WRIG’s priorities. We are grateful for the wonderful schools in this area and for those that partner with us to promote environmental education.

Tony Keoughan and Stephen DeWolfe from Forests, Fish & Wildlife teaching students about healthy forests and forestry techniques.